AED: A Device for Emergency Life Support

AEDs should be placed in public areas to protect the lives of the general people since when a patient is saved, their chance of life can reach 90% with proper cardiac resuscitation and the use of AEDs. Therefore, the effectiveness of the reaction and the success rate of resuscitation can be greatly increased if you make an AED purchase at your business.

Guidelines for using an AED

Examine the surroundings, make sure everyone is safe, and check the patient’s breathing and alertness. Immediately start performing CPR if the patient is not breathing or is only breathing when close to death. If the patient is not responsive, call emergency personnel as soon as possible.

The usual approach to using AEDs is “Listen to it, do with it.” Make sure to follow the AED voice prompts for each procedure step; do not skip or delay any steps.

Wait for the AED to determine whether the patient’s heart rhythm necessitates electrical defibrillation after attaching the electrode sheet. Avoid touching the patient to prevent damaging the device used to determine the heart rhythm.

If defibrillation is advised, be sure the patient is untouchable before pressing the discharge button to perform the procedure. Do not touch the patient, and sternly warn bystanders to remain away to prevent electrocution because the defibrillation procedure involves electrical discharge.

If it is determined that defibrillation is not advised, CPR should be given once more for two minutes before the AED analyzes the rhythm.

Until the patient awakens or an ambulance comes on the scene, don’t turn off the AED while it is being used; please don’t take out the electrodes, and pay attention to its voice instructions.


The innovation in Mindray‘s AED aims to increase first aid’s success rate, making it a useful tool for treating sudden cardiac arrest.

About Ashley Rosa

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